Become a user - free registration

As a registered user, you can make the on-line purchase on our page, view the order history.

Account details

Required data
Enter the e-mail addressEntered email is not valid. Checking if email is valid.
Re-enter confirmation email
Enter the password
Rewrite the password
Enter first name
Enter last name
Terms of service

Starting with May 25th 2018, applies law of General Data Protection Regulation ( In accordance with the regulation, we ask for the consent of the data processing.

GDPR consent

I agree that in accordance with the European GDPR law we may collect and profile your personal data collected during registration and purchase process with an intent to deliver the best possible service.

  • Other (optional) data

    Optional data
    Enter your mobile number
    Enter your phone number

To become a registered user fill form.

  • Fill in the frame 'E-mail' with your email address you want to use for the purchase or the communication with us.
  • The Password should contain at least 5 symbols, and is case sensitive.
  • You can choose the 'Auto login'.